Care providers


How can I help you?

If you are a care provider for children and/or teenagers and you would like to learn more about the work that I do then please get in touch. Most of my workshops can be adapted and tailored to meet specific requirements.


Reducing anxiety in children and their families in hospitals

I was chosen as a finalist for Ospedale Bambino Gesu. There were five finalists chosen from 40 entrants and I was invited to go to Rome to do a Start-up Pitch at Shaping the Future for Paediatrics. They were looking for an innovative solution to Reduce Anxiety or Pain in hospital settings for children & their Families. 
It was a chance to pitch on stage and to win a consultancy contract from Bambino Gesù Children's Hospital @bambinogesu to co-develop the innovation. You can read more about here.


Here we are, the five finalists chosen to Pitch our ideas for Bambino Gesu. It was a great 3 day conference and fascinating to learn about all the new ideas and solutions for paediatric hospitals.

It was a great opportunity to make new connections and share ideas.