Testing the effectiveness of using the imagination to strengthen our mind and body

For this trial we used Kinesiology, crystals and imagination.

 Kinesiology is a form of therapy that uses muscle monitoring (biofeedback) to look at imbalances that may be causing disease in the body. Kinesiology aims to detect and correct imbalances that may relate to stress, nutrition or minor injuries.

Developed by chiropractor Dr George Goodheart in 1064, applied kinesiology is based on the principle that your body has a kind of “feedback system” that, when tuned into, can tell us where we have imbalances which could be causing emotional or physical problems.  By using kinesiology, we can determine if something strengthens our system or weakens it.

 The test was carried out with 2 families, Caroline Metz the Kinesiologist and myself.

 Over 100 different types of small crystals were laid out on a white cloth and alongside them was a copy of My Magical Garden book which was opened at the crystal page.

 Caroline tested each person separately using the same sequence.

 First, she tested their muscle resistance and then asked the client to think of something that made them feel stressed, anxious or frightened.  Once they connected to this thought she then muscle tested to give her an indication of a weak muscle response.

After this initial test the client was asked to choose a selection of crystals (up to five) and they were placed on a separate white mat.  Caroline then asked them to hold one crystal at a time and she tested each one separately to see if it made them stronger or weaker; each crystal was given a 1-10 gradient.  1 being the weakest and 10 the strongest.

Once they had gone through each of their chosen crystals, they were then asked to choose a crystal from the book.  They were then asked to close their eyes and imagine they were holding the crystal.  They were guided into imagining the crystal in their hand and to feel the energy of the crystal going through their body.  Once they felt connected to the crystal Caroline muscle tested them again to see the result.  

After being tested with the five crystals plus the imagined one, Caroline then did a final muscle test on the initial stress thought that made them weak at the beginning to see if their response was still weak.

Some of the crystals had different ratings from 1-10 but were mostly 5 or higher and the imagined crystal always gave a rating of 10 or 10 +  

With every client (without exception) the result was the same.  One or more of the crystals they'd chosen strengthened the weak muscle, demonstrating that it was beneficial to them, particularly to address the negative thought that weakened them initially. Imagining a crystal from the book had the same effect as holding a crystal, i.e. the muscle went from weak to strong

Caroline then did a final muscle test on the initial stress thought that made them weak at the beginning. In all cases, the muscle test was strongly indicating that the experiment had improved the negative reaction to the thought. This impact would likely last for a while

 The conclusion of this trial would suggest that our imagination is very powerful and so by just imagining that you have a crystal, and that it is helping you, can be as effective, if not more effective in some cases, as holding a real crystal.

So which crystal would you choose for today?

 As Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.  Imagination encircles the world”




Jacqui Gray